Connecticut Ranks #5 in Offshore Wind Power Development, Aerospace

Connecticut Ranks #5 in Offshore Wind Power Development, Aerospace

The annual rankings in a range of business development categories are in, and Connecticut is ranked in the top10 in two of nearly a dozen categories. The state ranked #5 among the leaders in aerospace, a traditional strength, and also at #5 in offshore wind power development, as that field gained significant traction in 2019.

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Pandemic Has Strengthened Public Perception of Museums as Highly Credible Sources of Information

Pandemic Has Strengthened Public Perception of Museums as Highly Credible Sources of Information

Museums may emerge from the past few months, replete with sudden shutdowns, economic downturn, industry layoffs, and developed on-the-fly virtual programming, as an even more valuable and appreciated resource than before. That’s what new national data indicates, and Connecticut museums are among those encouraged by the news.

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Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering Provides Guidance for State’s Ongoing Pandemic Response

Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering Provides Guidance for State’s Ongoing Pandemic Response

Connecticut’s success-to-date in knocking down the spread of the coronavirus can be attributed to many decisions made by the state’s leaders and individual residents across the state. Among those efforts which have received less attention, but contributed to the progress, is a special committee of experts quickly set up by the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE).

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Despite Health Risks, Companies Continue Persistent, Relentless Push of Sugary Drinks to Black, Hispanic Youth

Despite Health Risks, Companies Continue Persistent, Relentless Push of Sugary Drinks to Black, Hispanic Youth

Amidst increasing calls for Connecticut’s government leaders to declare racism a public health emergency, a new report by the University of Connecticut’s Rudd Center for Good Policy & Obesity is raising renewed concerns. According to the 73-page report and analysis, “systemic and institutional barriers to health and opportunity … contribute to poorer health outcomes and persistent health disparities” among Black and Hispanic youth nationwide.

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Hartford Wins 2020 Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award, Recognizing Comprehensive Zoning Code Rewrite

Hartford Wins 2020 Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award, Recognizing Comprehensive Zoning Code Rewrite

Hartford and Rancho Cucamonga (California) have been selected as the winners of the 2020 Richard H. Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award, presented by the Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America. Each year, the Driehaus Award recognizes communities that have adopted and implemented exemplary form-based zoning codes.

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State Will Spend $1.2 Million to Attract Visitors to Tourism Industry This Summer

State Will Spend $1.2 Million to Attract Visitors to Tourism Industry This Summer

Connecticut may not have a million reasons for you to move around the state - or visit from nearby - but it does plan to spend a million dollars to encourage visits to tourism attractions in an effort to boost a leading state industry hit hard by COVID-19 closures since March, even as warnings to keep masks on continue.

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