CT 5th Graders Elect State's New Kid Governor
/Jessica Brocksom of John F. Kennedy School in Milford has been elected by 5th graders across the state as Connecticut's next Kid Governor. Connecticut’s Kid Governor is a national award-winning statewide civics program for 5th graders created by the Connecticut Public Affairs Network at Connecticut’s Old State House.
Jessica ran on a platform focused on stopping animal cruelty. She plans to lobby state leaders for tougher animal cruelty laws, educate her peers on this important issue and help animals by organizing fundraisers in Connecticut communities. The announcement of her election, after more than 4,000 ballots were cast earlier this month by 5th graders, was made at her school in Milford. She was one of seven candidates on the ballot; only 5th graders were eligible to vote.
In November 2015, hundreds of 5th graders across the state participated in the election of the first ever Connecticut’s Kid Governor. After an exciting race, students elected Elena Tipton of East Hartford who ran on a Campaign for Kindness platform. During her term as Connecticut’s Kid Governor, Elena’s has shared her 3-point plan of action through video messages to constituents, a Kindness is Kool blog, public appearances, and additional activities. She had an "office" at the Old State House, and met with elected officials including Gov. Dannel Malloy and Congressman John Larson.
The Kid Governor program was designed to teach fifth-graders about government, elections and the importance of civic involvement, and complements the state's social studies curriculum. It was created by the Connecticut Public Affairs Network and is sponsored by the Connecticut Council for the Social Studies and the State Department of Education. Connecticut’s Kid Governor serves his or her constituents for one year in an active leadership role.
Her teacher, Donna Stuart, told her, “I’m so so unbelievably happy for you. I know you are going to do an amazing job serving all fifth graders in the great state of Connecticut," the Milford Mirror reported. “You are such a perfect candidate and you inspire me every day, and I am so thrilled that you are now going to be inspiring so many others,” Stuart added.
Leaders of the initiative said "We would also like to congratulate the other final candidates for their incredibly inspiring campaigns, which shined a light on many issues important to the children of Connecticut. The 5th grade teachers and students of our state deserve a big thank you for taking part in the 2016 CKG Election - where student participation more than quadrupled from the previous year."