Volleyball Reigns as Hartford Hosts Largest Regional Tournament Throughout January
/Eight thousand five hundred (8,500) youth volleyball players on 730 teams from across the Northeast and Canada are coming to the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford this month to compete in the “2025 NIKE New England Winterfest Volleyball Tournament”.
Close to 30,000 visitors are expected over three consecutive weekends, including the young athletes and thousands of family members, friends, tournament officials, college coaches, fans and spectators, generating a projected economic impact of nearly $11 Million for the region.
During the tournament’s first weekend this Saturday, January 11 and Sunday, January 12, organizers will welcome over 2,700 athletes (240 teams of 10 to 12 players), in two age group divisions for girls aged 12 to 14, and in eight age divisions for boys ages 13-18.
At the largest of the three weekends on the three-day Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend, from Saturday, January 18 through Monday, January 20, over 3,000 female athletes (260 teams), ages 15-18, will compete in Open/USA/American competition.
On the final weekend, Saturday, January 25 and Sunday, January 26, organizers will welcome over 2,700 female athletes (230 teams of 10 to 12 players), ages 12-15, in 9 age group divisions for girls.
“This year’s tournament will be our largest ever in the Connecticut Convention Center, as we will use the entire Exhibit Hall and, for the first time ever, the Ballrooms all three weekends, and we still are waitlisting teams,” explains Roxann Link, Junior Commissioner of the New England Region Volleyball Association, Inc. (NERVA). “It is an exciting spectator event where families come to cheer on their volleyball-playing daughters and sons. Since the Northeast has one of the largest concentrations of Collegiate Division II and Division III schools in the nation, with lots of NAIA schools here as well, we expect many college recruiting coordinators to come and scout the athletes,” adds Link. “Players will compete on 31 courts in the exhibit halls and ballrooms of the Connecticut Convention Center with 12 matches per court most days, each lasting approximately one hour.”
“This annual tournament is a great economic boost for the Greater Hartford region,” explains Robert Murdock, President of the Connecticut Convention & Sports Bureau (CTMEETINGS), the state’s official meetings and sports event sales and marketing organization. “This dynamic event is expected to generate a projected $10,986,122 in revenue* over its three weekends as visitors stay in as many as 38 hotels on the busiest MLK Jr. weekend, to dine in local restaurants, shop in the region, and enjoy nearby attractions.” Murdock reports an estimated 3196 jobs* in the region’s hospitality industry will be supported by this event, and $712,461 in Connecticut taxes* will be generated. (*Destinations International calculator)
“The New England Winterfest tournament was the original convention center volleyball event in the Northeast,” adds Dave Peixoto, NERVA Commissioner. “And, since this event was established in 2010 at the Connecticut Convention Center, it has tripled in size. We also look forward to returning to the facility this May 2025 for two weekends with our “NIKE North Atlantic Championships”.
“The City of Hartford and its surrounding towns have established a tradition of makingvolleyball players and fans feel welcome. Restaurants extend their hours and customize their menus, the Downtown dash shuttle bus adds hours of operation, and everyone is terrific about accommodating our group.”
“For the fourteenth year, the Connecticut Convention Center welcomes the New England Regional Volleyball Association for its Winterfest tournament in Downtown Hartford,” says Michael Costelli, General Manager of the Connecticut Convention Center. “We look forward to the incredible energy the thousands of NERVA athletes, coaches, and spectators bring to Hartford, and are proud to have been the host venue and are excited for the years to come.”
All Admission passes must be purchased on-line at www.SportWrench.com For more information about the 2025 NIKE New England Winterfest Volleyball Tournament, visit https://jvctournaments.com/NewEnglandWinterfest. For more information about the 2025 NIKE New England Winterfest Volleyball Tournament, visit https://jvctournaments.com/NewEnglandWinterfest